Sifu Slaughter’s Students Compete at Master Zang’s 14th Annual Zang TKD Invitational
Sifu Slaughter’s Chinese Martial Arts school competed in the Zang Invitational Martial Arts Championship on Saturday March 23, 2024. The school was well represented, with 6 color belt students and 4 black belt students competing in over 25 different divisions.
For several color belts, it was their first tournament and first time sparring. Their courage in stepping on to the competition floor for the first-time ever was an inspiration to us all! A big congratulations to our color belts and first timers, who earned medals placing in several divisions, including a first-place gold medal in teen weapons and in teen color belt sparring.
The black belts competed with fierce competition from Tae Kwon-Do instructors and other seasoned martial artists, earning silver and bronze medals in open hand forms and weapons divisions.
As always, it was a delight to spend time with our very accomplished friends in the tae kwon-do community. Their skill and dedication consistently impress us and inspire us to work harder at our own art. Their warm and gracious welcome to us every year is a reminder that we are all part of a greater martial arts community, full of diverse and beautiful people and martial arts styles.
Many thanks to Sifu Slaughter for all his hard work and patience in working with his students to prepare them for this tournament. We are also very grateful to Grandmaster Zang, Grandmaster Gorino, the many judges and scorekeepers who volunteered their time, and a special thank you to the coordinators and folks who help organize and help make these tournaments a reality. We thank Grandmaster Zang for inviting us and congratulate all the many talented competitors!
For more information on Grandmaster Zang and Zang TKD see