Sifu Slaughter’s Students Compete at Orlando ICMAC Tournament 2021 – Another Grand Championship!
June 13, 2021 -- Orlando, Florida
Sifu Slaughter’s Chinese Martial Arts school competed in the 2021 International Chinese Martial Arts Championship in Orlando, Florida in June, with resounding success!

Ms. Cruz
The school was represented by two senior adult students, one young adult, and 2 adult students, who competed in open hand and weapons young adult and senior divisions, partner forms, and sparring. Two of the students were participating in a tournament for the first time, and one of those students – a beginner at Kung Fu – won a bronze medal. This year’s team earned: 5 gold medals, 5 silver medals, 2 bronze, and the Grand Championship in the women’s 35+ division. This the second consecutive ICMAC tournament that one of Sifu Slaughter’s students has won Grand Champion and the 4th international Grand Champion for Sifu Slaughter’s CMA school!
Congratulations to all who participated!

Ms. Valeri
A big thank you to Master Scrima and everyone who helped organized this tournament, especially with all of the challenges presented by the on-going pandemic. It was wonderful to see old friends again, and the level of enthusiasm and participation was heartening after the many months of struggle. Thank you, also, to Sifu Slaughter for all his guidance and hard work in helping the team prepare for the tournament, and daily patience in teaching all of us.

Mrs. Dakin
For more information on the Orlando tournament, visit the ICMAC website at Sifu Slaughter’s school will also be participating in the upcoming ICMAC tournament in Las Vegas on August 7, 2021.